My New Book

I’ve been spending time writing a book about the Sutton St James’ Cheshire church tower, bells and the ringers who have kept them going for the last 150 years. It is about to be published and copies are available at £10 plus postage. Please message me or email if you would like a copy.

Its about about the history of our Tower, Bells and Ringers from 1840 when the church was built. The six bells, first installed in 1879, were recast and rehung in 1925-6. They are one of the finest Taylor’s peals of six in the country. The stories of the bells and those that rang them over the villages of Sutton and Langley are told through memories of current ringers and descendants of our forebears supplemented with material from the Ringing World and Taylor’s Bell Foundry archives. The book covers the installation and later recasting of the bells, records of early ringing, stories such as a ramble by two ringers in 1884, information on well-known ringers including the local hangman, spliced minor ringing in the 1930’s and more.

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